OPEN CALL 2014/2015 Das KloHäuschen sucht Künstler, Architekten, Wissenschaftler, ..., die Lust haben, mit dem Raum des KloHäuschens zusammenzuarbeiten, seine und ihre eigenen Möglichkeiten zu erforschen und zu erweitern. Das Format ist frei, sollte jedoch für den Ort geeignet sein. Möglich sind z.B. Installationen, Raum- / Klangarbeiten, Performances, partizipative Arbeiten, etc. Das KloHäuschen ist (fast-) öffentlicher Raum, das heißt, Arbeiten im und mit dem KloHäuschen sind jederzeit öffentlich sichtbar oder hörbar. Wir freuen uns über digitale Einreichungen an KH@das-klohaeuschen.de, die folgendes beinhalten:
Einsendeschluß 30. Juni 2014 Mehr Infos zum KloHäuschen hier |
OPEN CALL 2014/2015 Das KloHäuschen is looking for artists, architects, scientists and others who would like to work with us, exploring and broadening the range of possibilities this unique space offers. There is no defined format but suitability to the location is essential. Possible formats include installation, space or sound pieces, performance, interactive art, etc. The space is visible from outside so Das KloHäuschen is (almost) public space. Work in and with the KloHäuschen is publicly visible and audible at all times. We look forward to receiving your digital submission to KH@das-klohaeuschen.de. Please include the following:
Deadline: 30. June 2014 Das KloHäuschen is a small room at the west entrance of Munich's wholesale market. Once the mens' urinal, it was closed to the public for a long time. Since 2009 it has played host to a new kind of visitor. The guests – artists, scientists, performers and others engaged in the cultural sector – work in collaboration with the space and in line with the "measures to animate the KloHäuschen at the wholesale market", an art project by realitaetsbüro/Anja Uhlig. With each guest a new picture is created; the KloHäuschen expands its own world - and that of its guest. You find a view into the space here And a ground plan here |
+ + + + + + OPEN CALL 2014 / 2015 + + + + + + |